Location: The camp will be hosted at Freedom Church, located at 1800 South Hampton Road, Glenn Heights, TX 75154.
Hours of Operation: The camp will operate on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 AM to 2 PM. A pick-up grace period of 20 minutes will be allowed, after which a late fee of $5 per every 5 minutes will be charged.
Camp Schedule: The camp will run for 8 weeks from June 12th to August 7th. Students will be engaged in learning Web Design, Photography, Video Production, and Dance every Monday and Wednesday between 9 AM to 2 PM.
Registration: The registration fee is $125 per child. Payment can be made here on this form, at https://www.freedomdfw.com/, through the Freedom Church app, or by checks payable to Freedom Church. The deadline for registration is by 5 PM on Friday, May 26th. For any queries, contact Mahogany Gaines at 469-747-6036 or via email at mahoganyg_freedomchurch@outlook.com. The camp is open to children aged 11 and up. Only 15 slots are available and will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration fee covers a creative camp T-shirt, breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the duration of the camp.
What to Bring: Campers are required to bring closed-toed shoes, comfortable outdoor clothing, a reusable water bottle labeled with their name, and a light jacket or sweater. Campers are advised to apply sunscreen before attending the camp as some activities will be conducted outdoors.
Prohibited Items: Campers should not bring unnecessary items from home such as toys, books, trading cards, or electronics, except for cell phones. The camp staff will not be responsible for any lost or broken items.
Agreement: By signing this document, the parent or guardian confirms that they have read and agree to the camp's policy and procedures.
Photo Consent: By signing this document, the parent or guardian grants Freedom Church and CU4K (communities united for Kids) permission to use photographs and electronic media images taken during the Creative Camp for the course of the camp and to promote the organizations. This permission can be revoked at any time by notifying the camp staff in writing. The images will be stored on Google Drive where parents will have access at all times.